With the queen dead we thought all our problems were over, but they’ve only just begun.
Dragon eggs have been stolen.
The country is on the brink of war
And my prince, my lover has asked me to be fitted for new dresses.
My lover, my prince is trying to fit us into the new world order.
To try and take the throne and hold the country together during the war that is coming.
But at what cost?
He’s forcing Flynn to become the new Duke of Skane.
He’s keeping Brom at arm’s length, despite their love.
And me?
I was told I’d never become queen-in-waiting,
But now it’s looking like I’ll need to take the throne anyway.
To become a figurehead, something to stir men to take up arms and fight for our survival.
Trouble is, I was never good at staying confined to the role’s assigned to me.
Nevermere has been ruled by queens since time immemorial, both human and dragon both.
I can’t stand by and watch men squabble over how to save our country.
If it means stepping forward, becoming a Dragon Queen
Then that’s what I’ll do.
I just hope that in saving the country, I don’t destroy the men I’ve come to love.